Galen, Carolyn & Stephen
Instructions and recommendations on using the Nefesh Be-Pure product. Protein Shakes (Thank you to Bob Taylor for submitting this recipe) Mix one measuring cup (the cup that comes with the Nefesh Be-Pure) of Nefesh Be-Pure with a cup or glass of Almond Milk. Many add a packet of Stevia to have a little sweeter taste. [...]
Why Our Arteries Become Clogged As We Age The endothelium’s ability to manufacture enough nitric oxide to maintain artery dilation is one of its most crucial functions. When arteries lose their ability to respond to a sudden increased demand for blood flow, endothelial dysfunction develops. This condition is a hallmark of the cardiovascular disease. [...]
lipoic acid Lipoic acid is one of the most potent, versatile and longer-acting antioxidant vitamins known. Of all the major antioxidant vitamins only lipoic acid possesses the unique ability to work in both water-soluble and fat-soluble environments in the body. This ubiquitous property means that lipoic acid has access to all parts of our cells [...]
Your heart is one of the hardest-working organs in your body; it literally never takes a rest. Beat after beat, hour after hour, day after day, for your entire life, your heart contracts and relaxes a little more than once per second, providing the blood flow that every other organ in your body relies on. [...]
The Beginning Of The End Of The War On Medicine By Charles K. Bens, PhD Health is not a THEORY. Health is not an accident. Health is a discipline that pays dividends for ever. In the late 1970s and early 1980s there was also a movement to show that the brain and [...]